Meet Rebekah Miranda
This morning I had the honor to interview a dear friend and teammate, Rebekah Miranda, on our weekly team call. She has such a powerful story I just had to put it in print and share it with you here.
Rebekah Miranda is brand new to Network Marketing and to The Limu Company. She has already had some success and achieved the rank of 2K VIP. She has a great spirit, is a fantastic woman and she truly has some of the best one liners I’ve ever heard. Rebekah had a pretty great epiphany this past week that I’m honored that she shared with us this morning.
Here is a transcript of the call - I hope you love it as much as I do.
Andrea: Rebekah – would you mind sharing with us what attracted you to Limu and why you chose to join us?
Rebekah: I was Facebook friends with a woman I grew up with named Karen and I witnessed her up on stage at LIMU live and signing her paperwork for her paid for BMW and was intrigued. I had been praying for financial relief, and searching for a way to create more income for my family. I had just gone through my second divorce and had a new baby, Noelle, and that had left me in enormous debt and I became a single mother again at 44. My son Josh was discharging from the ARMY and coming home and my daughter Miranda was a senior graduating from High School. I was totally looking.
Andrea: Now I know that you have a pretty busy schedule and a lot on your plate. What have been some of your scheduling issues and challenges?
Rebekah: I work full-time and commute for at least 45 minutes each way to San Diego Monday through Friday. I share custody and have to drop off Noelle to her dad Tuesday and Thursday nights and every other weekend but she wasn't staying overnight with him yet so my window to work was small. I was using those days to work my Limu business with help from my family.
Andrea: You had some great momentum going with your team, had some quick success but then things seemed to fall off a little bit. Can you tell me a little bit about what happened this past winter?
Rebekah: I continued to work with my team, but didn’t do much for my personal business growth. This became habit while other life events started to happen. My divorce that was supposed to have been complete in October was extended twice and the battle heated up, I received unexpected bills came out of nowhere and I ran out of money and I had also run out of credit. Borrowing Peter to pay Paul only works when you have money to pay Paul in the first place! During these lean months we experienced our water being turned off, our cable and Internet was off but, I reached my lowest point when I had no gas in my car, my check engine light had been on for weeks because I needed an oil change and we needed groceries. My bank account was in the red. I honestly didn't think things could actually be worse than they already were. I went through my credit cards and I reluctantly checked the balance on my LIMU credit card (I looked at the phone app with kind of with one eye shut!) and there was enough money there for all of my immediate needs. LIMU was there for me even though I had not been there for it. The work I had done before and the work my team was still doing was still paying me. It wasn't a lot of money to some, but it was truly life changing for me. Now, at any time, I could have asked my parents or my boyfriend for money but it’s really hard as a grown, responsible woman to swallow my pride and ask for help. I'd rather exhaust all my other resources first. And really, my boyfriend things I'm hot, but really I'm just a hot mess!
Andrea: This past Wednesday you joined us at a party in San Diego. Can you walk me through what that night looked and felt like to you and what you have decided to do because of it?
Rebekah: I can no longer work my LIMU business the way I was because I have different circumstances with Noelle’s dad now. So I tried bringing my 2-year-old to a LIMU party on a weeknight, when she should have been getting ready for bed. Noelle was just being Noelle, but while the team was in front of the room, it was like I was in the back wrestling an octopus on crack! I was distraught and left feeling overwhelmed and guilty for having taken Noelle. Our team made sure I knew everything was fine and we would figure it all out. I called my boyfriend just to get it all out while Noelle was sleeping on the way home and it was so clear to me. LIMU is still the answer to my prayers. I've had a change in my circumstances so I had to change my game plan. LIMU can fit into MY life anywhere and at any time. Right now, the best fit for me is to schedule “one on one’s” when I can. And to USE my team and leaders as leverage more than I’ve needed to in the past. This company allows for that! Our leaders remind us ALL THE TIME that leverage is a vital, useful tool available. They MEAN it. I've heard we only use 10% of our brains! I'm not smart enough to tap into the other 90% but I am smart enough to use more than 10% of what this company and our leaders offer. I've gone back to the training videos and discovered tools that I hadn't used yet and I'm taking the team up on their offer to use them and their time. If you’re a little prideful because you’re a grown up and you have a hard time asking for help like I do, I’m here to tell you, sometimes being on the receiving end of a gift like someone’s TIME, can be awesome. Thank you for your time this morning.
Thank you so much Rebekah for sharing your heart. I for one am so incredibly inspired by your story.
What an honor to be able to share this story! Can you imagine starting something and then walking away, not because you quit but because life became busy, but still have it support you in your time of need? That right there is the power of Network Marketing. That right there is the power of a team. I also love that Rebekah, and truly everyone, can work their business in a way that works the best for them and be successful! That again is the power of a team and the power of being your own boss.
Thank you Rebekah for sharing your heart! And thank you to those reading this. I will be sure to post updates on Rebekah's success in the future.